Uninterupptible Power Supply (UPS) and Battery

On the basis of the Clients’ specific requirements, CEG designs and develops power electronic equipment such as UPS, inverters, rectifiers, frequency converters, etc.

ACU series UPS

The UPS systems of the industrial ACU series make it possible to supply power to the critical AC loads safely and he construction of a “made-to-measure” system for the Client not only increases reliability and performance, but also optimizes the entire infrastructure (rectifier, batteries and inverters) based on real needs.

CM-CT series UPS

CM and CT type UPS systems are ideal for all industrial applications where a high degree of customization is not required. This type of system generally allows the engineering process to be accelerated, and subsequently also the production of the system from pre-selected layouts and pre-selected components.

MTPU - Modular Three Phase UPS

The MTPU (Modular Three Phase UPS) is a modular uninterruptible power supply (Hot-Swap) with double conversion technology capable of satisfying all plant power requirements. Each system can manage up to 12 modules connected in parallel, making it possible to extend or modify the system architecture directly in the plant without impacting the overall dimensions and installation.